PCR Test for International Travelers
Vaccination for Children
Open Hours / Access
TOSHIMACHO-CLINC provides a wide range of consultations and diagnostics among children and adult . Among those are services for the common cold, diarrhea, and sleeping disorders. We also provide treatment services for patients with rheumatism diseases, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM), and hyperlipidemia. We are specializes in internal medicine, pediatrics, orthopedics and dermatology. Our services are also provided incooperation with highly-specialized medical institutions when necessary.
We are happy to help you with all the necessary steps and medical paperwork required in Japan to ensure that you receive the best possible medical care and attention .
Based upon our experiences, we aim to prevent, find and treat diseases in order for people to live a healthy and satisfying life.

Internal Medicine
When consulting Pediatrics , make sure to bring:
・Health-insurance card
・Babies and children’s medical card
・Mother and child health handbook
General internal medicines
Cardiovascular internal medicines
Diabetes outpatient
Respiratory medicine
Smoking cessation clinic
Health check ups
Medical diagnosis or documentation in English
Assistance for which or what kind of hospital you should go
Blood Test
Urine Test
Holter 24hrs.ECG
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Total colonoscopy
All kinds of Allergy Test
PWV / ABI (pulse wave velocity / ankle-brachial pressure index)
Diet counseling
Sleep apnea screening test
Pulse oximeter
Home medical care
Home medical care service is available for those who have difficulty visiting our outpatient service. Physicians from our clinic visit patient’s home for the treatment. At our clinic, a team of specialists makes a visit for diagnosis and care. This service is provided by national health insurance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Vaccination for Children
Vaccination for children
Vaccination includes routine vaccination and voluntary vaccination. With regard to routine vaccination, the Preventive Vaccination Law defines the target diseases, subjects, and vaccination schedules.Vaccination is carried out during periods appropriate to each disease.
(1) Notice of vaccination
Routine vaccination is carried out by the municipal office in accordance with the Preventive Vaccination Law. A notice of vaccination is usually sent to parents individually. Since the notice is sent on the basis of the Basic Resident Register and the Residence Card, make sure to report when a baby is born or when you move.
(2) Schedule for vaccination
The routine vaccination is, in principle, given individually. Our clinc staff will help you build up The Vaccination Schedule for your child , so please bring all the vaccination records you already have for your child .
Vaccines are classified into two categories: live and inactivated vaccines, and the appropriate intervals at which to give different vaccines must be maintained. In certain cases, there may be a need to receive more than one kind of vaccine at the same time.
<Vaccination intervals>
The length of vaccination intervals are established in laws and ordinances. An interval of at least 27 days should be taken from the day after receiving a live vaccine until the day of receiving a different vaccine.
An interval of at least 6 days should be taken from the day after receiving an inactivated vaccine until the day of receiving a different vaccine.
<General precautions>
Vaccination should be performed when your child is in good health. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to consult your family doctor, healthcare center, or the municipal office in charge, in advance.
To have your child vaccinated safely, we recommend that you make the decision whether to receive the vaccination on the appointed day after taking the following into consideration:
a) Observe your child carefully from the morning on the day of vaccination, and confirm that he/she is well.Even if vaccination is scheduled, if your child appears sick, consult your family doctor and decide whether your child should be vaccinated or not.
b) Thoroughly read the information about vaccination provided by the municipal office so that you fully understand the necessity and possible adverse effects of the vaccines.
6. Before having your child vaccinated
d) The screening questionnaire contains important information for the doctor in charge of vaccination. Please fill in the form completely and accurately.
e) We recommend that the child being vaccinated be accompanied by a parent.
A child can only be vaccinated if a parent fully understands the benefits of and possible adverse reactions to vaccination and agrees to have the child vaccinated.
<General precautions after receiving vaccination>
a) For 30 minutes after the vaccination, observe your child in our clinic . Acute adverse events often develop during that time.
b) Watch for possible adverse reactions for up to 4 weeks (for live vaccines) or 1 week (for inactivated vaccines) after vaccination.
c) Keep the vaccination site clean. Bathing is allowed, but avoid rubbing the vaccination site.
d) Avoid strenuous physical activity on the day of vaccination.
e) If a child experiences an abnormal reaction at the vaccination site or has a change
in physical condition after vaccination, consult us immediately.
Be sure to make an appointment for all vaccination
Please confirm the following before vaccination
・complete a vaccination screening quetionnaire
・ health insurance card
・Babies and children’s medical subsidy eligibility card (SHOUNI-IRYOU-SHOU)
・Mother and child health handbook
More detailed information >
More detailed information >
PCR test for COVID-19
We started to provide the PCR test for COVID-19.
Our clinic is designated as PCR Test Clinc from Tokyo Metropolis. You can take the PCR test at our clinic when the doctor determines it necessary. You will get the results 2 days later.
<PCR Test covered by insurence>
・If you have the sign and symptoms suspicious of COVID-19 and meet the goverment testing criteria.
・Any possibility to have had close contacts with COVID-19 patients
・From the reasons above, when the doctor determines it is necessary that patient take the PCR Test.
<PCR Test NOT-covered by insurence>
・When you need the PCR test for Fit to Flight
・When you want to get tested for your own peace of mind to avoid infecting others .
<PCR Test NOT-covered by insurence>
Antibody Testing for Corona Virus
Antibody testing for corona virus is also available.If you wish to have the COVID-19 anti-body test, be sure to make an appointment before you come. This test is not covered by Japanese health insurance card.
<Antibody Test>

PCR test : Fit-to-Flight
As restrictions on international travel are gradually being lifted, many destination countries require a medical certificate showing proof of a negative test result for Covid-19, either to gain entry or to avoid the need to quarantine. Even in cases where the destination country does not require proof of a negative result, knowing you are coronavirus free before travelling to a foreign country can give you extra peace of mind.
Some countries require travellers to confirm a negative COVID-19 test to enter their countries. Travellers should check the requirements of the country they are travelling to, by contacting their local High Commission, Embassy or Consulate to the country you are travelling to..
PCR test for Fit to Flight is NOT covered by any medical insurance.
<Test Methods>
The test sampling is performed with a saliva-based test
The test, as all the other techniques do, has the limitation with a false positive, and a false negative .
If confirmed positive, the examinee must be prohibited to travel and be proceeded under the Infection Control Law of SARS-CoV-2 of Japan.
The test, as all the other techniques do, has the limitation with a false positive, and a false negative .
The provided RT-PCR test negative certificate expires in accordance with the condition given by the destination country, differently. The valid period of negative certificates for the respective destination country should be confirmed by applicants themselves. Based on the validity, the test schedule from RT-PCR test to travel/boarding/entry, should be determined.
It is not necessarily guaranteed that the provided RT-PCR test negative certificate should permit the traveler to enter the destination or travel freely inside the country after entry.
In very rare cases, patients will have to take another test, resulting in a delay of the PCR Test Results Certificate. Should there be any change in the issuance date for this certificate, we will contact you through the phone number you provided on the questionnaire.
<Fit for Flight PCR Test>
Patients themselves will be responsible for checking with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other embassies for their applicable country in Japan regarding items requested to be submitted by the agency abroad (e.g. test contents, presence of document formats, etc.) and any applicable conditions (e.g. the time period from diagnosis to application, expiration dates for this certificate, etc.).
If you have a designated form that you need to submit to the agency or company in the country to which you are traveling, make sure that you bring it with you on the day of your appointment .
We ask that you print and fill out the novel coronavirus PCR test questionnaire, down below, beforehand and bring it with you to your appointment.
Pre-Travel Novel Coronavirus PCR Test Questionnaire [English] >
Sample: PCR result certificate provided at our clinic >
Requirement and Details will be coordinated with each country and region . Travellers should check the requirements of the country they are travelling to, by contacting their local High Commission, or Embassy
before making an appointment for PCR Test.
The test needs to be taken close to when you will be travelling. Different countries have different requirements for timing. Check with your High Commission, Embassy or Consulate for the timing that applies to the country you are travelling to.
Consultation Hour
Please come to our clinc 15 minutes prior to our closing time.
Closed on National Holidays
We don't use an appointments service for outpatients, outpatients will be seen on a first come first serve basis within each medical care.
Please make sure you make an appointments for vaccintion, and be sure to arrive 30 minutes prior to our closing time for the vaccination.
Please be sure to bring your health insurance card at the first visit of each month.
We have parking place for 7 cars available